quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012

Novidades Bibliográficas

Martín Ríos, Mª del Pilar, Víctima y justicia penal,  http://www.marcialpons.es/libros/victima-y-justicia-penal/9788492788620/
Resumo do Livro:
En los últimos tiempos hemos venido asistiendo al resurgimiento de la figura de la víctima del delito. Relegada secularmente a un segundo plano, se alzan voces que reclaman su vuelta al lugar preeminente que merece. Este trabajo entronca con la denominada victimología procesal, que reivindica, como un fin esencial del proceso penal, lograr la satisfacción de las víctimas.
Desde esa óptica, en esta obra se analizan diversos aspectos relacionados con la participación de la víctima en el proceso penal.
Junto al análisis de sus facultades y actuaciones en el proceso, se examinan de manera particular tanto su necesaria reparación como la protección de que ha de ser objeto (incluida, en este punto, su protección frente a la victimización secundaria). Otro tanto cabe decir del examen de las nuevas tendencias vinculadas al principio de oportunidad y a la búsqueda de soluciones alternativas de resolución de conflictos, que son ampliamente analizadas.
Resumo do livro:
Forensic scientists apply scientific analysis in a legal context and play a vital role in solving crimes. Sometimes the collection of forensic evidence is the only way to establish or exclude an association between suspect and victim or crime scene, or to establish a likely order of events. Profiting from recent scientific developments and the advancement of technological equipment, forensic science is a rapidly evolving discipline that encompasses many sciences and the law. This dictionary covers in over 1300 entries the key concepts within forensic science, including a wide array of relevant specialist terms from areas such as chemistry, biology, anthropology, art, engineering, firearms, toolmarks, trace evidence, crime scene investigation, case history, biographies of investigators and criminals, as well as forensic computing. Ranging from crime scene to fibers and fluorescence to RAM, this new dictionary is the most up-to-date of its kind and is international in scope. Entry-level web links to online resources are listed and regularly updated on a companion website, expanding the scope of the dictionary and pointing to more in-depth supplementary material. Many entries are complemented by case examples (Dr Crippen, Mary Ann Cotton, etc.), figures, and photographs, which makes this A to Z an ideal reference for students of forensic science, as well as professionals and those with an interest in forensics.  
Blakeslee, Melise R., Internet crimes, torts and scams investigation and remedies
Resumo do livro:
Internet Crimes, Torts and Scams: Investigation and Remedies helps attorneys understand the increasing range of illegal and malicious internet activity and a similarly expanding number of response or enforcement options. Reflecting a "real-world" dynamic, the book is problem-oriented and cuts across many practice areas including intellectual property enforcement, libel, third-party liability, forensics, and global jurisdictional issues. It will aid practitioners who need to identify not only the type of problem a client faces but how to investigate and best respond to protect a client's interests in any given situation. In Internet Crimes, Torts and Scams, Melise Blakeslee draws upon her extensive experience investigating and litigating internet-based legal problems to produce a unique and accessible book for any attorney advising a client on internet-related risks. Topics covered in this comprehensive text include: investigation techniques such as how to interpret email headers, global jurisdiction, investigation of counterfeiters, intellectual property, the problems of anonymity on the Internet, and preparation of complaints. Also included are extensive appendices, including ICANN complaints, motions, a list of online resources, and guidelines for the seizure of electronic evidence. In the Second Edition, all chapters have been thoroughly updated to reflect developments related to key word advertising, trademark infringement, and "hot news." New sections on quasi in rem jurisdiction, false light, and jurisdictional issues in trademark and copyright disputes have been added. In addition, there are new practice tips and updated appendices reflecting changes in ICANN rules for dispute procedures.
Monaghan, Nicola, Criminal Law directions

Resumo do livro:
Criminal Law Directions is written in an engaging and lively manner with an emphasis on explaining the key topics of Criminal Law courses with clarity. The book incorporates a wide range of learning features to offer students a high level of support. Learning objectives, thinking points, and a wide selection of tables and figures encourage active learning to ensure students understand the fundamental facts and principles, and enabling students to check their understanding of the subject as they progress through the course. Each chapter is finished with a run-down of the main topic points, a selection of short revision questions, as well as two long examination style questions. Outline answers to these questions are available online. The book's clear structure and cross-referencing will enable students to navigate easily through the many aspects of Criminal Law, making this an ideal text for students new to the subject.  
Maguire, Mike, Morgan, Rod, Reiner, Robert, The Oxford handbook of criminology
Resumo do livro:
The most comprehensive and authoritative single volume text on the subject, the fifth edition of the acclaimed Oxford Handbook of Criminology combines masterly reviews of all the key topics with extensive references to aid further research. In addition to the history of the discipline and reviews of different theoretical perspectives, the book provides up-to-date reviews of such diverse topics as public views about crime and justice, youth crime and justice and state crime and human rights. The fifth edition has been substantially revised and updated so that it covers topics being taught at undergraduate level as well as encapsulating the latest developments in the academic and practical spheres of criminology, including reflections on the August 2011 riots. An impressive line-up of contributors, experts in their respective fields, means the Oxford Handbook of Criminology will continue to be an essential purchase for all students and teachers of criminology and an indispensable resource for professionals. Online Resource Centre * Selected chapters from previous editions * Details about the contributors * Guidance on answering essay questions * Essay questions * Selected further reading * Weblinks * Figures and tables from the text.

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