domingo, 10 de abril de 2005

The Eleventh Crime Congress

«United Nations congresses are major global events with a distinguished history and recognized achievements that have reverberated throughout the world. They are the only large United Nations conferences that bring together in one global forum different categories of participants - government delegations, representatives of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, specialized agencies and other United Nations entities, as well as individual experts - from a whole spectrum of criminal justice fields who have their respective and professional contributions to make. The congresses have been held every five years since 1955 in different parts of the world, and have dealt with an array of topics. They have had an impact on national policies and professional practice by promoting the sharing and dissemination of relevant expertise and experience; formulating international guidelines; facilitating collaboration between States and between practitioners in the various sectors and disciplines bearing on crime and justice; fostering innovative and viable approaches intended to renew and upgrade existing systems; mustering public opinion and advocacy; and paving the way for more humane and effective methods of crime prevention and criminal justice management.»
De 18 a 25 de Abril, em Banguecoque, Tailândia

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