quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2012

Polícia e Segurança na cidade na Europa

V.V.A.A, Police, policing, policy and the city in Europe, Editora: Eleven International Publishing, Haia, Holanda, 2012, ISBN: 9789089743374
Resumo do livro:
The 'city' as an object of criminological research mainly focuses on certain districts or neighborhoods. Although 'ecological criminology' is a well-known research field, empirical research concerning the mutual effects of policing strategies and the urban society is scarce. Since a city is a place where people encounter a variety of social processes, the need for more empirical research is apparent. In this book, scholars - from different EU Member States, Norway, and South Africa - focus on the social changes, the problems police are confronted with, and the involvement of other public and private police actors. The book takes a close look at several countries to find out to what extent and how security issues are dealt with. It focuses particularly on the discourse and the practice of police and other security actors involved in 'policing in the city' and on the geographical characteristics of policing security.

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